Monday, March 1, 2010

Congratulations !!!

Hi All,
Congratulations for creating this blog for RLI.
RLI is such an active group of Rotarians, there is always something new coming up. When you talk to RLI graduates, you always have good interaction about Rotary, its history, and its future. The brainstorming gives rise to new ideas, new thoughts, and as they come, these ideas, and thoughts ought to be shared with your colleagues, and peers. Then only these stimulations develop into motivation, and ultimately into action.

A blog, I think, is a very effective platform for exchange and sharing of ideas. As an old saying goes, " If you have a dollar, and I have a dollar, and we exchange the dollars, we will still be having a dollar to ourselves. But , if you have an idea, and I have an idea, and we exchange them, we both end up having two ideas " . So, Congratulations again RLI Sri Lanka, for this wonderful blog, and I wish this would take RLI movement many miles forward.

Rtn Sudhindra Mohan Sharma
Jt Secretary- RLI, RID 3040, India

Friday, February 26, 2010

Rotary Leadership Institute Founded in 1992

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) was founded to assist in improving the Rotary knowledge and leadership skills of future club leaders. Rotary clubs depend on outstanding leadership to harness the talents and skills of members in order to successfully serve our communities and the world.

The Rotary Leadership Institute was founded in 1992 in Rotary International Zones 31 & 32 (Northeastern USA). District 7390 is one of 30 member Districts.

Mission Statement

The purpose of The Rotary Leadership Institute is to provide an educational opportunity for Rotarians identified as potential leaders by their club presidents. Each club president will be asked annually to nominate club members as potential club leaders (not necessarily future presidents) in the years ahead. Courses will be given for the nominees to foster Rotary knowledge and leadership skills. It is hoped that these courses will also motivate the participants to be enthusiastic, creative and dedicated Rotarians.